
Articles in peer-reviewed refereed journals

Barbara Biasi, Michael S. Dahl, Petra Moser (2024), The role of bipolar disorder and family wealth in choosing creative occupations, Scientific Reports, Vol 14, Article No. 10703 – DOIPDF

Tekin Esen, Michael S. Dahl, Olav Sorenson (2023), Jockeys, horses or teams? The selection of startups by venture capitalists, Journal of Business Venturing Insights, Volume 19, June 2023, e00383 – DOIPDF

Thomas Borup Kristensen, Jeffrey Pfeffer, Michael S. Dahl, Morten Holm, Melanie Lucia Feldhues (2022), Does depression co-occur within households? The moderating effects of financial resources and job insecurity on psychological contagion, SSM - Population Health (Companion journal of Social Science and Medicine), Volume 19, September 2022, 101212 – DOIPDF

Christine D. Isakson, Michael S. Dahl, and Toke Reichstein (2022), Residential Location Choices of an Isolated Work Force - Shifts in Social Attachment of Former Seafarers, Maritime Studies, 21, 353–362. – DOI

Pernille Gjerløv-Juel, Michael S. Dahl (2022), High-Performer Mobility to Entrepreneurship and Parent-Firm Performance, Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, 16(1) 129-154 – DOIPDF

Olav Sorenson, Michael S. Dahl, Rodrigo Canales, and M. Diane Burton (2021), Do startup employees earn more in the long-run?, Organization Science, 32(3) 527-604. ISSN: 1047-7039. – DOIPDF

Michael S. Dahl and Lamar Pierce (2020), Pay-for-Performance and Employee Mental Health: Large Sample Evidence Using Employee Prescription Drug Usage, Academy of Management Discoveries, 6(1), 12–38. – DOIPDF

M. Diane Burton, Michael S. Dahl and Olav Sorenson (2018), Do Startups Pay Less?, Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 71(5), 1179-1200. ISSN: 0019-7939 – DOIPDF

Olav Sorenson and Michael S. Dahl (2016), Geography, Joint Choices and the Reproduction of Gender Inequality, American Sociological Review, 81(5), 900-920. ISSN: 0003-1224. – DOIPDF

Michael S. Dahl and Steven Klepper (2015), Whom do new firms hire?, Industrial and Corporate Change 24(4), 819-836. ISSN: 0960-6491. – DOIPDF

Michael S. Dahl and Olav Sorenson (2014), The Who, Why and How of Spin-offs, Industrial and Corporate Change 23(3), 661-688. ISSN: 0960-6491. – DOIPDF

Lamar Pierce, Michael S. Dahl and Jimmi Nielsen (2013), In Sickness and in Wealth: Psychological and Sexual Costs of Income Comparison in Marriage, Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 39(3), 359-374. ISSN: 0146-1672. – DOIPDF

Michael S. Dahl, Cristian Deszo and David Gaddis Ross (2012), Fatherhood and Managerial Style: How a Male CEO’s Children Affect the Wages of His Employees, Administrative Science Quarterly 57(4), 669-693. – DOIPDF

Michael S. Dahl and Olav Sorenson (2012), Home Sweet Home: Entrepreneurs’ Location Choices and the Performance of Their Ventures, Management Science 58(6), 1059-1071. ISSN: 0025-1909. 2017 Schulze Publication AwardDOIPDF

Michael S. Dahl (2011), Organizational Change and Employee Stress, Management Science 53(2), 240-256. ISSN: 0025-1909. – DOIPDF

Jesper L. Christensen, René N. Nielsen, Søren Eliasen, Christian R. Østergaard, and Michael S. Dahl (2011), Patterns and Collaborators of Innovation in the Primary Sector: A study of the Danish Agriculture, Forestry and Fishery Industry, Industry and Innovation 18(2), 203-225. ISSN: 1366-2716. – DOIPDF

Michael S. Dahl, Jimmi Nielsen, and Ramin Mojtabai (2010), The effects of becoming an entrepreneur on the use of psychotropics among entrepreneurs and their spouses, Scandinavian Journal of Public Health 38(8), 857-863. ISSN: 1403-4948. – DOIPDF

Michael S. Dahl and Olav Sorenson (2010), The Social Attachment to Place, Social Forces, 89(2), 633-658, December 2010. ISSN: 0037-7732. – DOIPDF

Toke Reichstein, Michael S. Dahl, Bernd Ebersberger, and Morten Berg Jensen (2010), The Devil Dwells in the Tails: A Quantile Regressions Approach to Firm Growth, Journal of Evolutionary Economics 20(2), 219-231. ISSN: 0936-9937. – DOIPDF

Michael S. Dahl and Olav Sorenson (2010), The Migration of Technical Workers, Journal of Urban Economics 67(1), 33-45. ISSN: 0094-1190. – DOIPDF

Michael S. Dahl and Olav Sorenson (2009), The Embedded Entrepreneur, European Management Review 6(3), 172-181. ISSN: 1740-4754. EMR Best Paper Award 2009DOIPDF

Michael S. Dahl and Toke Reichstein (2007), Are You Experienced? Prior Experience and the Survival of New Organizations, Industry and Innovation 14(5), 497-511. ISSN: 1366-2716. – DOIPDF

Christian Ø. R. Pedersen, Michael S. Dahl and Bent Dalum (2006), The Danish ICT Sector in an International Perspective: A Mismatch between Demand and Supply, Info 8(4), 85-99. ISSN: 1463-6697. – DOI

Michael S. Dahl and Christian Ø. R. Pedersen (2005), Social Networks in the R&D Process: The Case of the Wireless Communication Industry Around Aalborg, Denmark, Journal of Engineering and Technology Management 22(1-2), 75-92. ISSN: 0923-4748. – DOIPDF

Michael S. Dahl and Christian Ø. R. Pedersen (2004), Knowledge Flows through Informal Contacts in Industrial Clusters: Myth or Reality?, Research Policy 33(10), 1673-86. ISSN: 0048-7333. – DOIPDF

Michael S. Dahl (2004), Født til Succes? Knopskydninger som kilde til innovation [Born for Success? Spin-offs as sources of innovation], Ledelse & Erhvervsøkonomi 68(4), 285-292. ISSN: 0902-3704. – PDF

Toke Reichstein and Michael S. Dahl (2004), Are Firm Growth Rates Random? Patterns and Dependencies, International Review of Applied Economics 18(2), 225-246. ISSN: 0269-2171. – DOIPDF


Michael S. Dahl, Pernille G. Jensen and Kristian Nielsen (2009), Jagten på fremtidens nye vækstvirksomheder - Hovedrapport, Copenhagen: DJØF Forlag, 394 pages. ISBN: 978-87-574-2163-7

Michael S. Dahl, Pernille G. Jensen and Kristian Nielsen (2009), Jagten på fremtidens nye vækstvirksomheder - Resumé, Copenhagen: DJØF Forlag, 80 pages. ISBN: 978-87-574-2164-4


Michael S. Dahl (2003), Knowledge Diffusion and Regional Clusters: Lessons from the Danish ICT Industry, Unpublished PhD Thesis, Department of Business Studies, Aalborg University, 250 pages. Submitted: November 3, 2003, Defended: January 26, 2004.

Book chapters

Kristian Nielsen, Michael S. Dahl, Bram Timmermans and Jesper Lindgaard Christensen (2021), Entrepreneurship, Experimentation and Innovation: Future Policy for Innovative Growth-Oriented Entrepreneurs, Jesper Lindgaard Christensen, Birgitte Gregersen, Jacob Rubæk Holm, Edward Lorenz (eds.) in: Globalisation, New and Emerging Technologies, and Sustainable Development: The Danish Innovation System in Transition, Routledge. ISBN: 9780367480479.

Pernille Gjerløv-Juel and Michael S. Dahl (2012), Spin-off Growth and Job Creation: Evidence on Denmark, in: Guido Buenstorf (ed.), Evolution, Organization And Economic Behavior, Edward Elgar. ISBN: 978-1-84980-628-2.

Michael S. Dahl, Christian R. Østergaard and Bent Dalum (2010), Emergence of regional clusters: the role of spinoffs in the early growth process, in: Ron Boschma and Ron Martin (eds.), The Handbook of Evolutionary Economic Geography, Edward Elgar. ISBN: 978-1847204912.

Michael S. Dahl, Bent Dalum and Håkan Ylinenpää (2006), Regions with comprehensive technical universities : The Case of Aalborg, Luleå and Oulu, 115-143, in: Jan-Evert Nilsson (ed.), The Role of Universities in Regional Innovation Systems: A Nordic Perspective, Copenhagen: Copenhagen Business School Press. ISBN: 87-630-0157-8.

Christian Ø. R. Pedersen, Michael S. Dahl and Bent Dalum (2006), Knowledge Flows in the Danish ICT Sector: The Paradox of Advanced Demand and Mediocre Supply, in Yannis Caloghirou, Anastasia Constantelou and Nick Vonortas (eds.), Knowledge Flows in European Industry, London: Routledge. ISBN: 0415327075.

Jesper L. Christensen and Michael S. Dahl (2004), Virksomhedsklynger, in John Johansen and Jens Ove Riis (eds.), Fremtidens produktion i Danmark: Antologi, Copenhagen: Dansk Industri. ISBN: 87-7353-511-7.

Michael S. Dahl and Bent Dalum (2001), The Construction Cluster in Denmark, in: Pim den Hertog, Edward M. Bergman and David Charles (eds.), Innovative Clusters: Drivers in National Innovation Systems, Paris: OECD. ISBN: 92-64-18706-5.

Michael S. Dahl and Bent Dalum (2001), The ICT Cluster in Denmark, in: Pim den Hertog, Edward Bergman and David Charles (eds.), Innovative Clusters: Drivers in National Innovation Systems, Paris: OECD. ISBN: 92-64-18706-5.